
Science, Engineering,
Technology, and Mathematics Session Overview

Welcome to the Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics (STEM) Session at the 6th International Conference on Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research (ICMCER-2025) in Bangkok, Thailand. This dedicated session serves as a dynamic platform for educators, researchers, and professionals to explore and discuss innovations in the realms of Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics.


Topics of Interest for Submission include, but are not limited to:

1 Engineering disciplines (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Ocean, etc

2 Green and Renewable Energy

3 Design & Technology

4 Image Processing & Remote Sensing in Geography

5 Information and Communication Technologies

6 Artificial Intelligence & Robotics

7 Innovations in Mathematics & Statistics

8 Climate Change and Environmental Issues

9 Agriculture. Forestry & Food Science

10 Diversity in STEM

11 STEM Education

Key Themes:

    Advancements in STEM Education:
  • Overview: Explore the latest developments and trends in STEM education.
  • Objective: Discuss strategies and initiatives that enhance the teaching and learning of science, engineering, technology, and mathematics.
    Integrating Technology in STEM Teaching:
  • Overview: Showcase effective methods of integrating technology into STEM classrooms.
  • Objective: Discuss the role of digital tools, simulations, and immersive technologies in enhancing STEM education.
    Innovative Approaches in Engineering Education:
  • Overview: Explore novel pedagogical approaches that prepare students for careers in engineering.
  • Objective: Share best practices and case studies in engineering education that foster creativity and problem-solving skills.
    Emerging Technologies in Science Education:
  • Overview: Examine the impact of emerging technologies on science education.
  • Objective: Discuss how virtual labs, augmented reality, and other technologies contribute to hands-on and experiential learning.
    Mathematics in the Digital Age:
  • Overview: Explore the evolving role of mathematics in the context of digital advancements.
  • Objective: Discuss innovative methods for teaching mathematics and preparing students for the challenges of the digital age.
Session Format:

The STEM Session at ICMCER-2025 adopts an interactive format, featuring keynote presentations by distinguished experts, research paper presentations, and engaging panel discussions. Attendees are encouraged to actively participate in Q&A sessions, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.

To be a Presenter please submit your Research Abstract
To be a Listener, Please register