Education, Teaching, Learning & Assessment

Session Overview

Welcome to the dedicated session on Education, Teaching, Learning & Assessment at the 6th International Conference on Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research (ICMCER-2025) in Bangkok, Thailand. This session is a focal point for educators, researchers, and professionals to share insights, exchange ideas, and explore innovations that contribute to the dynamic landscape of education.

Education, Teaching, Learning & Assessment is contribution to
The Sustainable Development Goals:


Topics of Interest for Submission include, but are not limited to:

1 Early childhood education

2 Primary & secondary education

3 Curriculum design 6 development

4 eLearning. distance & blended learning

5 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

6 Higher Education

7 Special Education, Learning Difficulties, and Learner Diversity

8 Adult and lifelong learning

9 Education for sustainable development

10 Education for interdisciplinary thinking

11 Emerging Trends in Education

Key Themes:

    Innovative Pedagogies:
  • Overview: Explore cutting-edge teaching methodologies and pedagogical approaches that enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.
  • Objective: Share innovative practices that transform traditional teaching methods and adapt to the evolving needs of learners.
    Technology-Enhanced Learning:
  • Overview: Showcase the integration of technology in education to facilitate interactive and engaging learning experiences.
  • Objective: Discuss the impact of digital tools, e-learning platforms, and immersive technologies on the teaching and learning process.
    Assessment Strategies for Student Success:
  • Overview: Examine effective assessment strategies that promote student success and provide meaningful feedback.
  • Objective: Discuss formative and summative assessment practices that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of student progress.
    Inclusive Education Practices:
  • Overview: Explore strategies for creating inclusive learning environments that cater to diverse student populations.
  • Objective: Discuss the importance of equity and inclusivity in education and share best practices for accommodating varied learning needs.
    Teacher Professional Development:
  • Overview: Address the evolving role of educators and explore strategies for continuous professional development.
  • Objective: Discuss initiatives and programs that empower teachers to stay abreast of the latest educational trends and methodologies.
Session Format:

The Education, Teaching, Learning & Assessment Session at ICMCER-2025 adopts an interactive format, featuring keynote presentations by distinguished educators, research paper presentations, and dynamic panel discussions. Attendees are encouraged to actively participate in Q&A sessions to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange.


Session Speaker

Dr. Morakinyo Dada

Senior Lecturer
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU / APIIT)
To be a Presenter please submit your Research Abstract
To be a Listener, Please register